MERZEN, 2014
Merzen, group show, LiveInYourHead, Genève
Curators : Jeanne Gillard & Nicolas Rivet
« Kurt Schwitters invented a strange term to baptize the modalities of his practice: « Merzen ». By operating an ablation of the German name » Kommerz « , by untying « Merzen » of his « Kom », he finds the way of a radical praxis, an action untied from any mercantile purpose. By striving to thwart the terms which form the « Newspeak » of the contemporary art, the criticism of The Encyclopedia of the Nuisances, by Jaime Semprun, is a convenient occasion to distort certain rites connected to the ecology of the exhibitions.s. » Jeanne Gillard & Nicolas Rivet.

Conatus : Who could win a rabbit, 2009, wood, lamp

Conatus : Merzen 1, 2014, wood, acrylic paint, fluorescent fixture (on the wall : Clémence Seilles)

Conatus : Merzen 2, 2014, wood, polystyrene, acrylic paint, fluorescent fixture

Conatus : Toward, 2006, chain, wood, sequins, plexiglass, aluminium

3 A.M. Eternal, 2008, tige en plexiglas rod

Conatus : une égale liberté (An equal freedom), 2006, aluminium profile, adhesive tape

Conatus : Moment, 2008, bois, electric cable, paint, glitter, string