N IS FOR NORMAL, Nathalie Quintane, 2018
How does one maintain a form of indecisiveness while remaining decisive in one’s work? And what should one do when the general indecisiveness one had previously adopted and that had given us…
D COMME DÉSIR, Claire le Restif, 2018
Toute une génération d’artistes issus de tous les champs de la création, semble depuis quelques années « surveiller le ciel », au sens où ils imaginent un futur en générant des mondes. Conscients que…
D IS FOR DESIRE, Claire le Restif, 2018
For a few years now, a whole generation of artists, from every field of creation, seems to have been “watching the sky”, in the sense that they imagine a future by generating different worlds.…
A COMME ALIÉNATION, Jens Hoffmann, 2018
La théorie économique classique de Karl Marx, dite théorie de l’aliénation – la prise de conscience que l’on appartient à une classe exploitée et la séparation des hiérarchies du capitalisme qui en…
A IS FOR ALIENATION, Jens Hoffmann, 2018
I would argue that Karl Marx’s classical economic theory of alienation—the realization that one is part of a particular class that is being exploited, and the consequent estrangement from the…