G IS FOR GAMES, Stéphanie Hessler, 2018
In Lev Vygotsky’s founding work of constructivist psychology from 1934, Thought and Language, the relation of thought to word is established as a process, not a thing. In the continual movement back…
G COMME GÉNÉROSITÉ, Jens Hoffmann, 2018
Dans la liste des soi-disant vertus humaines, la générosité est souvent associée à la charité, c’est-à-dire au don d’argent sans contrepartie. On peut dire que toutes deux ne constituent plus des…
G IS FOR GENEROSITY, Jens Hofffmann, 2018
Among the so-called human virtues, generosity is often conflated with charity, the giving of money without obligation. Both are, arguably, deprioritized in a world that advocates competition rather…
U COMME USAGE, Chris Sharp, 2018
Peu de questions sont aussi fondamentales dans l’art que la question de l’utilisation (usage), qui y refait sans cesse son apparition. Que l’on se place dans une perspective ontologique ou sociale,…
U IS FOR USAGE, Chris Sharp, 2018
Few questions are more fundamental to art than the question of use (usage). It always crops up. Whether it be from an ontological or a social perspective, it is something of a philosophical revenant,…